It is time for another round of book recommendations. If you are looking for new books for business owners, try one of these books; it may even give you new ideas to try at your home care agency. You may already notice that I included Mitch Albom’s best-selling memoir Tuesdays with Morrie on a list of business book recommendations. Once I get to his book, I’ll explain my reasoning.
Another trend you may have noticed if you read our last list of book recommendations is that Gino Wickman has made the cut again. I find his books and his EOS method to be very effective in the senior care industry and he writes great books for business owners.
1. Traction by Gino Wickman
Let’s start with our number one slot, Traction by Gino Wickman. If I had to recommend only one book for business owners and operators of an in-home care agency looking to improve their operations, this is it! I’ve now read this book multiple times. I keep a copy in the drawer of my desk. They riddled it with annotations in the margins and sticky bookmarks to highlight key passages. This book has changed how I run meetings and look at accomplishing goals throughout the year. One of his concepts is called “Rocks.” It helps you identify the goals you need to break down, push off until another quarter, or strive ahead and do whatever is necessary to achieve them.

2. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
Next, we have Mitch Albom’s Tuesdays with Morrie. First, I will admit that this is not a business book. After all, it’s a memoir. However, I feel that it ties in closely to our industry and that younger professionals just entering the home care space should read this novel.
It can provide the basis for empathy with your agency’s clients and remind your admins to get to know your clients more deeply. Asking them questions about their life experiences and broadening their horizons. I read this book in high school when my grandmother was in hospice, well before I got into this industry. Since then, I’ve read many more of Albom’s books. I’ve also learned some amazing things from my former clients in the personal care space.

3. The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
Our next book on this list is for Christmas, The Greatest Salesman in the World, by Og Mandino. While this book has been out for quite a while, I just read it earlier this year after coming across a reference in Matthew McConnaghey’s Greenlights memoir. As owners and operators recommend your sales and marketing team reads it.

4. Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
The fourth book on today’s list was recommended to me by my colleagues Angela and Naomi. They praised Dare to Lead, by Brene Brown, and her other works. This book is about learning how to become a better leader in the workplace. Her book covers four skill sets related to courage, empathy, and connection: 1) Rumbling with vulnerability, 2) Living into our values, 3) Braving Trust and 4) Learning to Rise.

5. Built to Last by Jerry I. Porras and Jim Collins
The last book on our list is Built to Last by Jerry I. Porras and Jim Collins. This is one of the best books I’ve read this year. I had my two partners read this book before our company meeting in October. Built to Last comprises research into the most successful companies whose leadership has been passed down for generations, with the companies still being leaders in their market space.
Examples of these companies include HP, Merck, 3M, Nordstrom, and Disney. One thing these companies have in common is that they hire the right people to fit their core ideologies. If the new hire doesn’t fit with how the company does business, the new hire will quickly move on to another business. By choosing whom they hire so scrupulously, their companies have been successful for generations long after the founders of the companies have passed away.

Thanks for reading our articles! If you need more books for business owners, reach out to me at 678-340-3649, or email me at We offer a Free 30-minute consultation to all prospects.