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HomeCare LP (Home Care Start-up Solution)*

Looking for home care licensing information? Please give us a call at (678) 340-3649 or fill out our form below. We will help you find what you need according to your state laws.
Graphic of a rocketship on a laptop screen to illustrate the HomeCare LP Start-Up Solution (HomeCare LaunchPad)

Thinking about starting a home care agency? Wondering where to start or have you gotten part of the way along and don’t know what to do next? We can help you launch your home care agency from our HomeCare LaunchPad!

With over 70 years of Home Care experience and nearly as many in technology, our team is positioned to help you successfully launch your agency. And we’ll be there as much or as little as you like for as long as you like.

Our current client base includes startups up to established agencies who’ve been around for 30 years.We can help with licensing, marketing, and finance anywhere!

Why HomeCare?

These are the two biggest benefits of running a home care agency.

1) Knowing that because of you and your agency, you are positively impacting the lives of each client and their family EVERY SINGLE DAY.

2) Recognizing the impact you are having on the lives of the caregivers and their families.  By being a good employer, you are helping to put food on the table for people who want to take care of others.

Long Term Support

We are here to continue with you as a resource, for as much or as little help as you need.

Our team isn’t just here for the launch… we are here as your resource for the long haul. Our solutions are individually tailored to our clients’ needs, which change over time. We provide similar tools and resources to those available through franchisor systems.

Our goal is to help you grow the agency, enjoy the benefits of agency ownership, and plan an exit strategy down the line. Also to improve your work-life balance so that you can enjoy your life as you build your business.

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    Examples of What We Do

    • Employee Handbooks, job descriptions, hiring, onboarding and training
    • Referral Source Marketing plan, growth strategies, and networking
    • Website, social media, and brand development
    • Third Party payer contracts
    • Recommendations and meeting setups for technology systems such as phones, agency management, accounting, caregiver training, and credit card processors.
    • One Year Break-even analysis and budget
    • And MUCH MORE!

    *HomeCare LaunchPad solution is only available to customers located in the United States of America. If you are looking to open an agency in New York State options are limited due to licensing and legality.