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How to Secure Your Sales Process for the Holidays

Have you just opened your new home care agency? Or been owning and operating it for years but feel like you are so behind and overwhelmed that you just started? You are NOT alone. The beginning of any business is full of challenges. This can be especially true during the Holidays!

We are now entering the holiday season in full this week with Thanksgiving and Black Friday kicking off the last of the Fall holidays and the beginning of the winter holidays starting in December. This is also when the adult children and loved ones return home to their parents and grandparents and realize they need (either a little or a lot) of help to stay safely in their family homes. 

A few weeks ago we discussed how the seasons affect your home care referrals. If you’ve read that article, you know that phones are going to start ringing off the hook with new prospects and leads. You have to be prepared to complete their assessments as quickly and efficiently as possible. For newer agencies that means you’re going to need a process in place that ensures you are handling your prospects and conducting intakes/assessments in a timely fashion. Your sales process is one of the most important processes that your agency (and any agency) can define. Below we have a few quick tips that will help you get your sales smoother!

Strengthening Your Sales Process

Prompt Assessments

Streamlining the initial interactions with your clients not only ensures a swift transition for clients but also fosters trust and reliability—a crucial aspect when it comes to entrusting the care of a beloved family member to an agency. This will also ensure that they will start receiving care as soon as possible.

Collaborative Approach

Always make sure you keep your scheduler in the loop. When you have a new client, tell the scheduler. Ensure they know who the client is, and all of the necessary information for the scheduler to make informed decisions. Proper caregiver and client matching are essential to the long-term success of your home care agency.

Standardized Intake Protocol

A really simple way (in theory) to help you keep on track is ensuring the intake process is followed each time you take a prospect. That means you HAVE to have a protocol in place. Create a comprehensive sales process and share it with everybody who will be doing intakes. Make it easy to follow!

Consistently gathering the same information on each prospect will help you as you move through the life cycle of a prospect. From meeting with them, and completing their assessment to converting them to a client and getting their first shift scheduled.

How Can We Help?

If you need more advice on how to streamline your operations, that is exactly what we do! We can set up a free consultation to get you started on fixing up your sales and marketing processes. Our team comprises experts in the home care space, both from the technology that runs agencies and the day-to-day operations needed to keep an agency functioning. If you already run an agency but are seeking operational clarity we can get you moving in the right direction.

Book a meeting with me here or call us today at 678-340-3649. Happy Thanksgiving y’all!

Author: Tyler West

Tyler West is a founding partner of Senior Care Business Advisors with over 10 years of experience in personal care, home care, health care and technology. He is also a former Director of Operations for a Home Care Agency and worked in technology with ClearCare and other organizations. Additionally, he is a published author. Connect with him through Senior Care Business Advisors website,, or LinkedIn You can also reach him via email at

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