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How to: 10 Ways to Differentiate Your Agency from Babysitters

This week’s article is about how to articulate the benefits of an in-home care company. You need to differentiate your agency from babysitters because some Referral Sources within the medical world view your agency as “non-skilled” or “babysitting services.” The term non-medical in-home care is often used to differentiate your agency from home health care. While this is a crucial distinction, it does not mean that the care you provide your clients doesn’t benefit or help keep them healthy. In this article, we’ll list ways home care agencies keep their clients safe at home. Which can be integral in staying on top of their health issues.

Medication Reminders

Ensure clients take the correct pills daily as prescribed by their doctor. This crucial service not only promotes medication adherence but also minimizes potential complications or drug interactions, ensuring your clients’ overall well-being.

Blood Pressure Checks

Ensures that clients’ blood pressure stays consistent. If it’s unusually high or low, the client knows to contact their medical provider. By monitoring blood pressure regularly, your agency aids in the early detection of any potential health issues, contributing to proactive healthcare management.

Meal Prep and Diet

For clients with dietary restrictions, having caregivers cook and prepare their meals keeps them healthy. Proper nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining your clients’ health and managing chronic conditions effectively.

Feeding Assistance

Some clients struggle with feeding themselves; having caregivers who can cut food into smaller bites and even help guide silverware toward the clients’ mouths can keep the clients from going without food. This compassionate support ensures that clients receive the nutrition they need, promoting their overall health and well-being.

Stand-by Assistance

Showering, Walking, Grooming: Preventing Falls can help clients avoid injuries. By providing stand-by assistance during daily activities, your agency reduces the risk of falls and related injuries, making their homes safer environments.

Full Assistance

Showering, Walking, Grooming, Dressing, Transferring: Again, this goes towards both Fall Prevention and can prevent bed sores from forming if a client is bedbound. Comprehensive assistance with daily tasks enhances your clients’ independence, while also minimizing the likelihood of accidents and health complications.

Running Errands

Caregivers can run errands for or with the client. By assisting with errands, your agency contributes to your clients’ quality of life, ensuring they have access to essential supplies and services.


This service prevents loneliness and is vital for the client’s mental health. The companionship your caregivers provide not only alleviates loneliness but also boosts their emotional well-being and overall happiness.


Caregivers can drive clients to and from doctor’s appointments. Reliable transportation ensures that clients can attend medical appointments and follow up on their healthcare needs, promoting proactive health management.


Caregivers can provide multiple levels of support or assistance with Toileting functions depending on the client’s needs. By offering sensitive assistance with toileting, your agency ensures your clients’ dignity and comfort, contributing to their overall happiness and well-being.

Differentiate Your Agency from Babysitters

Each of the above services your agency provides is vital to keeping clients safe at home and out of the hospital. Their services can give family members and medical professionals peace of mind that their patients follow the doctor’s orders. Your personal care agency is allowing clients to age safely in place. 

If your agency is seeking assistance with your sales and marketing efforts, reach out today for a free 30-minute consultation at or 678-340-3649. We look forward to working with you!

Author: Tyler West

Tyler West is a founding partner of Senior Care Business Advisors with over 10 years of experience in personal care, home care, health care and technology. He is also a former Director of Operations for a Home Care Agency and worked in technology with ClearCare and other organizations. Additionally, he is a published author. Connect with him through Senior Care Business Advisors website,, or LinkedIn You can also reach him via email at

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