Ignorance is definitely not always bliss, and being unaware of what’s happening in your business when you’re not there can cause sleepless nights. Quality home care doesn’t keep regular office hours. Certainly managing clients, office staff, caregivers, referrals, compliance, and protocols can be a 24/7 job. Leaving the office for the evening can often mean having reduced visibility and/or control over the service and impression you are providing to people who contact your agency, be they active or prospective clients, caregivers, or referral sources. Enter: HomeCareOS
HomeCare Operations Support (HomeCareOS) provides expert On-Call and Operational Support to Home Care Agencies across all 50 states.
Consequently, requiring these revenue-generating individuals to leave messages after hours can be frustrating and costly for all parties. Crucial opportunities can be missed, business may go elsewhere and certainly, critical care may not be delivered. By engaging HomeCareOS, you can rest assured that the essential functions of your home care agency are seamlessly covered. This is by a team of undeniably dedicated home care professionals tasked with providing premium customer service.
Henceforth, if you or someone you know is getting burned out managing on-call night after night, fill out our form or call us at 678-340-3649. Additionally, if you need help with other aspects of your agency’s operations, we can tailor a solution for you.
What we Provide:
- Customizable escalation plans – allow HomeCareOS representatives to skillfully triage after-hours calls; only urgent and critical incidents are escalated to your office.
- Expert team of friendly, on-shore representatives – HomeCareOS serves as an extension of your agency
- After-hours and overflow support – for your current and prospective caregivers, clients, family members, and referral sources
- Concierge-level service – to support your agency’s dedication to providing the highest quality care
- Transparent reporting – provides actionable data on callers to better inform your decision-making
Let us act as an extension of your agency so you can focus on what matters most – the care you provide for others.